Friday, 16 March 2018

Warhammer 40k Conquest Unboxing

So I finally managed to get hold of this magazine, this thing is damn hard to find. Turns out that it's only a trial in Scotland and North England at the moment, however a local newsagent managed to order it in for me (issue 1, I missed the boat on, but is on back order)

So whats it all about? Well for those of you who remember the Lord of the Rings magazine from yesteryear, it's exactly like that. Take a look below at my unboxing as I take you through the magazine

Ongoing Hobby Hiatus

My friends, i'm sorry for the lack of any update over the past week or so. Life has hit me hard, like a friggin' freight train! Somethings for the good, some for the not so good. I've recently relocated sites in my job, which is great! I love my new store, however i'm getting used to the new shift patterns (waking up at 3am is NOT fun in the slightest) and recently I had to travel back down to Plymouth for a funeral. Now today, i'm off to Cardiff for my best friends wedding. So it's been a pretty full on time in my life!

However I am going to be getting back into the swing of things shortly, for those of you who have stuck around, thank you! I've managed to pick up some sweet things over the time, including the OOP Nurgle Dreadnought from FW which is missing a few bits, which I need to try and source but it's such an awesome model! And against my better judgement I have finally got the new Typhus, which means I now have all 3 Typhus sculpts.

Normal service will resume shortly.