Wednesday 31 January 2018

30 Minute Challenge - Day 3

A new day, a new dawn, still the same damn illness! But the show must go on right? So anyway, got some more paint down today. But the big news which was dropped out of nowhere was by Forge World showing off Rogal Dorn, which I know a fair few Imperial Fists players have been waiting such a long time for. My first impressions of him was kinda like yeah he's cool but he's not WOW, but after a ponder of 5 or so minutes, rewatching the video and looking at the pictures, he doesn't need to look all fancy and dynamic, it's Rogal freakin' Dorn. As usual, FW has knocked it out the park with another of the Primarch series.

Tuesday 30 January 2018

30 Minute Challenge Day - 2

Following on from yesterday, I wanted to plough through the last parts of my Renegade Commander and then hit up another Blightlord, I really wasn't feeling it today as i'm bunged up with this damn flu going round along with running out of coffee. Alas though I powered through my slump and got some paint on some more dudes.

Monday 29 January 2018

30 Minute Challenge Day - 1

Now I am not the fastest painter, or even the strongest but there's always a sense of pride in getting things done. Which is why I am setting myself a challenge, 30 minutes of painting 5 days a week. So much of my army is in states of part painted, undercoated or the grey of shame. Now I am taking part in a charity painting event (more details on that in the future) which is aimed at kicking our asses into getting us to a fully painted army and to raise money for a solid cause.

Friday 26 January 2018

Kickstarter to watch out for

Terrain is an important aspect for any wargame, be it cans from the kitchen cupboard and parcel boxes up to full scale proper buildings and ruins. However it's not always cheap but it's a necessity, this morning however I stumbled across a kickstarter from a company called TinkerHouse Games. 

New releases announced from LVO

So the GW hype train is just constantly gathering momentum, this month already has been a massive one, with the release of Nurgle daemons, then Custodes and the upcoming Thousand Sons. Now at one of the biggest tournaments, Games Workshop has dropped some massive announcements for Warhammer 40K.

Thursday 25 January 2018

First painted miniature off 2018 - Typhus, herald of the plague god.

2017 was a massive failure for me, hobby wise. Built a lot of stuff, got a bunch of stuff half painted but in the end I only fully painted 2 minutes. Appalling. This year however, will be different.

This is my year of the hobby.

And the first guy on the table, was Typhus. Man I love this sculpt. There’s something about the new model that just doesn’t make me go wow but this guy though, had him for years sat about and I thought it’s about time I did this guy some justice. I went for the classic GW paint scheme and he was a blast to paint.
So, the first post. Where do we start?

Well this blog is dedicated to my hobby musings, rambles and rants and generally anything hobby related. A little introduction into what i'm currently up to. So i'm working on an extensive Death Guard army with a little dabble into a Custodes Heresy army (like the Blood Ravens I like shiny things). I will be doing regular hobby updates whist dropping articles relating other aspects of the hobby.  Also the odd thing that I feel the need to shout about (music releases, movies etc.) so hopefully there will be a bit of something anyone can enjoy.
