Friday, 2 February 2018

30 Minute Challenge - Day 5

So I did it, I made it through the week! Keeping to my schedule of just 30 minutes a day, i'm feeling more and more invigorated with this hobby more than I have ever done. It's such a good feeling being able to see my progress and being able to share it. This week I managed to get 4 models painted, now to some that doesn't seem like much at all, however for me this is a major achievement in itself. I've already doubled my tally from last year and i'm not feeling drained or bummed out by painting, winner! So onto day 5 progress

There's not really much to say about this update, I just managed to get this guy finished however marking this milestone (not a major one, but the fact i've kept this up for a week is a win in my books) i've started my hobby channel on YouTube, in which I documented todays painting efforts whilst just having a chat about this and that, what got me into the hobby and the such. It was more of a ramble than a concise piece, but it is what it is. However I have ran out of time before work as it's taking a lifetime to upload to YT, so when I finally get around to sorting it, it will be published here. Anyway, onto the mini:

There we have it, I hope you've enjoyed the journey so far, and continue to follow! 


  1. Great work, I like this 30 minute challenge you have going might have to attempt this myself.

    Now following! If you are ever bored feel free to come visit me at

    1. Thanks man, it's helping keep going with painting and not finding it a chore!

      Consider it done pal.
